Match your MarTech Stack to your Customer Journey in 2024 with these 4 Tips

Businesses are constantly trying to find the best ways to reach and engage with their customers, but how do you know which ones are going to be most effective for your specific customer journey? The customer journey is the process that each of your prospects goes through from the moment they become aware of your brand to the moment they make a purchase and beyond. It is crucial for businesses, especially small and medium sized ones, to understand this journey and align their marketing efforts as well as marketing technology (MarTech), accordingly, to maximise results and customer satisfaction.

 In 2024, MarTech is all about data, insights, and action. MarTech dashboards are the new command centres for businesses. From awareness to advocacy, MarTech has a tool for every touchpoint. Expertise is key to wielding this power effectively. Ready to transform your marketing game in 2024? Read on for the 4 must-knows in your MarTech journey. Let’s decode the MarTech landscape and build a stack that drives real results.

Understand the Ever-evolving MarTech Landscape 

Hands pointing towards a laptop screen

Marketing has gone digital, and MarTech is the fuel that powers it. This suite of software and tools enables marketing teams to plan, run, and measure campaigns across different channel with laser focus. In the world of performance marketing, this stack of MarTech tools goes beyond online ads and focuses on boosting marketing effectiveness.

The marketing technology landscape is constantly evolving, with new tools and platforms emerging at a rapid pace. As a marketer, it can be overwhelming to navigate this ever-changing landscape and determine which technologies are most effective for your specific needs. However, by understanding the customer journey and matching your MarTech stack to each stage of the performance marketing funnel, you can optimise your marketing efforts and drive better results. 

Understanding the various stages of the performance marketing funnel and investing in the right technologies for each stage will enable your business to effectively reach, engage, and convert potential customers while fostering loyalty among your current customers. Stay up to date with the latest MarTech tools and continually evaluate and refine your marketing stack to stay ahead of the competition and deliver exceptional customer experiences. 

Exit Silos; Enter Dashboards! 

Historically, marketing teams have operated in isolated silos, with each department focusing on their specific area of expertise. This siloed approach often led to disjointed and costly marketing efforts. Fragmented data and conflicting strategies create a confusing journey for customers and hinder overall growth. To combat this, businesses are now adopting dashboards as a powerful tool that brings together all aspects of the marketing stack into a single, unified view. This is where your MarTech stack can play a critical role.

Dashboards collect data from all over, so marketers can see everything in one place. This real-time view leads to data-driven decisions, improving campaigns and overall performance. Let us look at some of the benefits accrued to marketers with a solid MarTech dashboard:

1. Comprehensive view of Customer Journey

By integrating data from various touchpoints such as website analytics, social media platforms, and email marketing campaigns, marketers can gain valuable insights into the customer’s interactions and behaviour.  

2. Seamless Collaboration and Communication

By having access to the same set of data and insights, teams can work together towards common goals, aligning their strategies and efforts. This eliminates the silos that often hinder collaboration and ensures that everyone is on the same page. 

3. Marketing performance metrics

This allows marketers to track the effectiveness of their campaigns, measure ROI (Return on Investment), and make informed adjustments as needed. By monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, and customer lifetime value, marketers can continuously optimise their marketing strategies and drive better results. 

Beyond marketing teams, dashboards also provide valuable insights for other departments such as sales and management. By sharing relevant data and metrics, dashboards facilitate cross-departmental collaboration and alignment, driving overall business growth. 

MarTech Across the AIDA Funnel

A range of MarTech tools on a screen

MarTech has revolutionised the way businesses interact with their customers. By leveraging the power of data and technology, companies can now create personalised experiences that resonate with their target audience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Here’s a lowdown of how you can embed MarTech into each stage of your AIDA funnel: 

1. Awareness 

Imagine potential customers seeing your brand for the first time. What do you want them to think? In the awareness stage, you get to shape their initial impression. Use the right marketing tech to grab their attention and make them excited about what you offer. Here are some tips that work: 

  • Search Engine Marketing- SEM (Search Engine Marketing) allows businesses to create targeted advertisements. Stand out from the competition with strategic SEM campaigns. Use keyword research tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to identify high-value keywords related to your industry and offerings. Then, build targeted ad campaigns on platforms like Google Ads or Bing Ads. This data-driven approach ensures your brand pops up at the top of the search results when people are actively looking for your solutions.
  • Social Media Marketing- Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer powerful ad tools and audience targeting options. Tools like AdEspresso or Socialbakers can help you laser-focus your campaigns on your ideal customers. Create eye-catching visuals, craft persuasive copy, and A/B test your ad strategies to maximize engagement and brand awareness. This hyper-targeted approach ensures your message reaches the right people at the right time, sparking curiosity and propelling them towards your brand.
  • Content marketing- Content marketing is your power-play. Leverage tools like Buzzsumo or HubSpot to identify trending topics and craft high-quality content like blog posts, videos, and ebooks. Answer your audience’s questions, offer solutions, and establish your brand as the go-to expert. 
  • Marketing Analytics Platform- Marketing analytics platforms like Tableau or Google Data Studio give you a real-time pulse on your campaigns. Tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Webengage and Hotjar help you track content performance, analyze user behavior, and identify areas for improvement. 

2. Interest 

The interest stage signifies budding potential. Employ intelligent marketing technology to engage leads, educate them about your offerings, and seamlessly guide them towards conversion. Utilise data-driven insights from marketing technology to personalise communication, offer valuable resources, and gently nudge leads towards purchase intent.

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)- CRMs like HubSpot, Salesforce, and Zoho are your secret weapon for nurturing leads. Centralise valuable data like customer contact details, interactions, and preferences. Enhance conversion rates through data-driven decision-making and personalised engagement.
  • Marketing Automation- Marketing automation platforms like Mailchimp for email campaigns, Pardot for account management, and Buffer for social media management, automate workflows and personalise messages. Track email engagement, analyse data, and refine your campaigns for maximum impact.
  • Content management systems (CMS) and content marketing platforms- The interest stage thrives on relevant content that addresses customer needs. Deploy powerful MarTech tools to curate, distribute, and monitor performance on your content. Some examples:
    • Content Management Systems like WordPress, Drupal, or Contentful, and
    • Content Marketing Platforms (Marketing Automation) like Marketo, HubSpot, or Act-On
  • Social Media Platforms– Leveraging social media marketing tools like Sprout Social, Hootsuite, and Buffer enables you to monitor user engagement, sentiment, and trending topics to tailor your strategy for maximum impact. Fuel conversations, build user advocacy, and attract new audience through these tools. 

3. Desire 

Understand your audience’s motivations in the desire stage with data-powered insights. Tailor your MarTech stack to deliver hyper-personalised experiences that resonate. As you go further down the funnel, the ideal MarTech stack is not just about individual tools, but how they synergise to create a seamless and personalised experience for your audience throughout the AIDA funnel. Here are some top contenders:

  • Data & Targeting:
    • Customer Data Platforms (CDPs): As mentioned, CDPs like Tealium, LiveRamp, and Oracle CX Unity unify customer data from various sources for deeper insights and personalized content creation.
    • Marketing Analytics Platforms: Tools like Tableau or Google Data Studio analyze audience behavior and track campaign performance, helping you identify desire triggers and optimize messaging.
    • Social Listening Platforms: Sprout Social or Brandwatch monitor social media conversations, enabling you to understand audience desires expressed organically and tailor your content accordingly.
  • Personalisation & Automation:
    • Marketing Automation Platforms (MAPs): Mailchimp, Pardot, and ActiveCampaign automate personalised email sequences, trigger targeted ads, and recommend relevant content based on individual desires and behaviors.
    • Dynamic Content Optimization (DCO) Tools: These tools like Monetate or Optimizely personalise website content and landing pages in real-time based on user data and desire indicators like browsing history or engagement patterns.
    • Personalization Engines: Platforms like Bloomreach or Dynamic Yield use AI to customise product recommendations, offers, and website experiences based on individual desires and purchase likelihood.
  • Content & Engagement:
    • Content Management Systems (CMS): Choose platforms like WordPress or Drupal with strong personalisation features to dynamically tailor content based on user data and desire profiles.
    • Webinars & Live Events: Platforms like Zoom or GoToWebinar allow interactive engagement with your audience, addressing their burning questions and building trust during the desire stage.
    • Video Marketing Tools: Platforms like Wistia or Vimeo help you create compelling video content that resonates with your audience’s desires and showcases your offerings in an engaging way.

4. Action 

The action stage is no time for passive marketing. This is where you bring out the best of your MarTech arsenal to push prospects across the finish line. Here’s how:

  • Review platforms like Trustpilot and G2 Crowd can showcase verified customer reviews and testimonials on your website, landing pages, and social media
  • Dynamic content optimisation tools like Monetate can personalise website elements like call-to-actions or product recommendations based on real-time behaviour. Show them exactly what they need, exactly when they need it.
  • Marketing automation platforms like Pardot or ActiveCampaign let you craft targeted offers and discounts based on individual data and preferences. Imagine sending custom coupons or limited-time promotions that feel tailor-made for each prospect.
  • Website heatmaps from Hotjar reveal how users interact with your site. Identify friction points and optimize checkout flows for a seamless, frustration-free experience.
  • Email countdown timers create a sense of urgency and scarcity. Remind them of expiring deals or limited-edition offers, gently nudging them to act before it’s too late.

Expertise is Critical 

Expertise is a critical factor when it comes to effectively matching your MarTech stack to your customer journey. With the complexity and ever-evolving landscape of marketing technologies available today, businesses need to ensure that they have the right tools in place to effectively reach and engage their target audience at every stage of the customer journey. 

One of the key reasons expertise is so important in MarTech selection is because different marketing technologies are suited for various stages of the performance marketing funnel. Understanding which technology to use at each stage requires deep knowledge and a thorough understanding of the customer journey. This expertise allows businesses to strategically align their marketing efforts and optimise their MarTech stack for maximum impact. 

In addition to these specific stages, expertise in MarTech selection also includes understanding the marketing technology landscape. A knowledgeable marketing partner like groSamriddhi will be aware of the latest trends, tools, and platforms available, and can evaluate which technologies are relevant to their business goals and target audience. This expertise ensures that businesses are not only using the right tools, but also staying ahead of their competitors and delivering the best possible customer experience. 

Remember, your business’ MarTech stack is a powerful tool that, when strategically aligned with your customer’s journey, can elevate your marketing efforts to new heights. By investing time and resources into understanding the customer journey and choosing the right MarTech solutions for each stage, you can create a seamless, personalised experience that fosters customer loyalty and drives business growth.  

Expertise is critical when it comes to matching your MarTech stack to your customer journey. By understanding the different marketing technologies suited for each stage of the performance marketing funnel, businesses can strategically align their marketing efforts and optimise their MarTech stack for maximum impact. With the right expertise, businesses can effectively reach and engage their target audience, driving higher conversions and building long-term customer relationships. 

So, go ahead and map your MarTech stack to your customer journey – the results will speak for themselves! 

Looking for more information on MarTech, check out our article MarTech : A complete guide to everything you need to know

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Sofia Fernandez
Sofia Fernandez

Sofia Fernandez, a performance marketing specialist in Madrid, Spain. Sofia has a degree in business administration from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has been working in performance marketing for 2 years. She is fluent in Spanish, English, and French and has a strong understanding of the European market.

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