Ruler Archetype in the Indian Context: Which brand rules?

The ruler believes that "Power is Power". It is the one in charge. The ruler exudes power, authority, control and ambition. They need order and security.

Whatever you are selling—a soft drink, a car or a holiday, what your brand stands for is as vital as what it does. Since, value is what convinces the customer to buy a product or a service. The most convenient ways of communicating exclusivity and power can be by adopting the Ruler Archetype.

Next in the series, this blog post will focus on the Ruler Archetype. However, before moving into the specifics, let us refresh our knowledge of the brand archetypal framework. It is based on the work of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. Read our detailed blog post on ‘Brand Archetype- What are they and How are they useful?’ here. 

Meet the Ruler Archetype

metal sculpture of a medieval ruler with a crown and sword

Ruler brands are powerful, authoritative, and intelligent. They aim to acquire and hold power. Further, their demand for safety and order defines them. They strictly follow the law, enjoy formal processes, and dislike breaking rules. The Ruler aspires to be a leader and sees itself as an example for others to imitate.

The Ruler is attracted to things that are robust, ageless, and of the highest quality. This archetype wants to assist others in achieving success and security. Since, it sees itself as a role model for others to follow. This branding believes in following the rules and wants others to do the same. They desire exclusivity and status since they have a natural tendency toward excellence. Some of the most famous Indian brands that follow the ruler archetype are Blue Tokai, Louis Phillipe, Vistara, Taj Hotels etc.

Like other archetypes, the Ruler manifests itself in varying degrees. At their best, Rulers want to be a leader for people who are in need. Also, provide for them. The Ruler, at their worst, is cruel and power-hungry.


Ruler brand archetypes possess a keen sense of duty and leadership. They have an intrinsic desire to perform with a sense of natural authority. They love rules and regulations. 


Chaos and displaying weakness are two things that rulers detest. As a result, this branding ought to always appear confident. Most importantly, have a strategy. They must be careful not to be obnoxious or overbearing, too.

How to Apply the Ruler Brand Strategy

a chess board with multiple black and white pawns, and one black pawn in the centre with a crown on top

A Ruler branding archetype must make the buyer feel important. In short, as if they are following the best. A ruler consumer aims to feel in control of their life and is aspirational. For example, they may wish to acquire a high-status item utilised by influential people. A ruler consumer desires exclusivity and status.

So how do you align your branding to appeal to this audience? Here are some tips and tricks which can help you build a ruler brand archetype:


Brands that adopt this archetype mostly include luxury goods. Therefore, they use colours such as Gold, Silver and Dark Gray. Clearly for their product and marketing purposes. Gold helps to represent wealth, wisdom, and something royal. Silver and Light Gray are used to highlight goods or services that stand for glamour and wisdom. Black or Dark Gray can be used to bring out class and. Additionally, they represent elegance, security, power and mystery.

Brand Voice

These brands frequently participate in establishing guidelines that direct how things are done. They are seen as establishing norms. Therefore, their brand voice embodies logic and authority. They also lay out the accomplishments that their customers should aspire. Aspirations to achieve and a way to get there in an ambitious yet practical manner. The Ruler archetype recognises that its audience is busy and responsible,. Therefore, it assists them in finding goods and systems that help them manage those tasks. That too, in a way to reinforce their power and status.

Consumer Behaviour

Ruler consumers frequently have concerns about their reputation, position, or prestige. They are drawn to Ruler brands because they want those connections. Ruler brands’ clear outlook on life affects how other people view them. Ruler customers frequently come across as natural leaders. They are therefore burdened with a great deal of responsibility and dislike following commands from others. 


The marketing campaigns for these kinds of products capitalise on the consumers’ want to feel important, in control, and secure. Since Ruler branding mostly comes with premium pricing, it builds a connection with the elite. These brands frequently use classical, noble, and royal images.

Industries and Categories associated with the Ruler Archetype

a busy commercial street with malls and well-lit buildings. Ruler archetype finds itself at home in such places

Ruler branding is suitable for any company that provides high-end goods or services.

It can be frequently observed in fields like security, economics, technology, and the government sector. Further, it can be seen in companies dealing in the following:

  • Credit cards
  • Business apparels
  • Banks
  • Luxury cars
  • Watch manufacturers
  • Business-class transportation
  • Hotels
  • Shampoo products

The Ruler Archetype in Action: An Indian Case Study

blazers, ties, sweaters on a clothes rack. The ruler likes to dress powerfully

Louis Philippe

Established in 1989, Louis Philippe, renowned for portraying men’s status and flair is a perfect example. The company is credited with being the first to bring global fashion trends. Furthermore, experiment with various fabric weaves, present seasonal collections, and build a broad clothing line. This includes pants, suits, blazers, and accessories.

Brand Persona

Louis Philippe is claimed to be the pioneer in introducing a stylish formal, semi-formal, and casual range. Every person buying Louis Philippe is recognized as a member of “The Upper Crest” due to the focus on luxury and the careful craftsmanship of each item. This is a result of the emphasis placed on luxury and the meticulous artisanship of every garment.


To build a better connection with the audience, the company began focusing on things that interest or surround men in their everyday life. These included technology, sports, fitness, and other activities. This is what prompted the brand’s decision to start “The Label,”. That is, a lifestyle magazine for the brand.

Brand Building activities

To associate itself with success and sophistication, the brand started India’s richest domestic golf tournament. Golf was an obvious choice since it represented similiar qualities. The association created a buzz in the 100,000-strong golf community. This helped the brand advance by establishing the premium context. That is, how Louis Philippe’s principles and characteristics mesh with those of golf.

Is your Brand a Ruler Archetype?

Understanding your archetype can be a tedious task. You might think that you are a creator, while it may be more towards the caregiver. To help you through this, here is a quick guide.

Like all other archetypes, Ruler also has 5 sub-archetypes. They provide clarity around what you want to achieve and seen as by consumers:


Classic Rulers are confident and have a natural drive to lead. They feel in control and competent because of their demonstrated knowledge or skill. Their goal is to create harmonious and effective environments, but they might become overly authoritarian at times.


The Sovereign maintains tradition while maintaining control and propriety in public. They carry a great lot of responsibility and tries to behave accordingly. Even though, they can sometimes fall into the trap of entitlement.


The Judge is skilled at communication and strategy. That too, while maintaining a balance between compassion and justice. The Judge challenges wrongs that need to be righted by using insight and wisdom. They give society or environments- a structure. However, they may sometimes be lured by power.


The Ambassador acts as a mediator to settle conflicts. They use cunning moves to restore harmony in troubled relationships or difficult topics. This sub-archetype faces difficulties because of the potential for abuse of its power.


The Patriarch serves as the head of the family. Further, it upholds law, order, and offers safety. This sub-archetype provides courage and leadership, therefore, creating a sense of security. However, the Patriarch must exercise caution to avoid adopting an autocratic style.

If you are still confused, ask yourself the following questions. Do you…

  • Possess a keen sense of organisation? Do you respect the creation of policies, processes, and rules?
  • Possess a dominating presence and do not hesitate to take the lead?
  • Value status, reputation, and appearance?
  • Make sure that every action is planned out to achieve their goals?
  • Value fairness?
  • Desire to uphold moral principles while inspiring individuals to lead their best and law-abiding lives?
  • Recognize the impact of actions and value acting morally?
  • Value establishing logical order, command chains, and hierarchies?

What makes the ruler’s position special is their skill, not exclusivity. Brands with all the characteristics of “The Ruler” are leaders in their field. While they may not control their audience, many have a devoted following. These brands lead and set trends in their sector, raising the standards and not afraid to make waves.

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Rohan Patel
Rohan Patel

Rohan Patel, a performance marketing specialist in Bangalore, India. Rohan has a degree in computer science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay and has been working in performance marketing for 5 years. He is an expert in Google Ads and Facebook Ads and has a proven track record of driving results for his clients.

Articles: 9