Amplifying E-Commerce Performance Marketing – a Case Study

Scaling up E-commerce Performance Marketing with groSamriddhi

Leo Coffee, a well-established player in the coffee industry, recognised the need for an integrated E-Commerce Performance Marketing implementation to strengthen its market position, increase brand visibility, and drive customer engagement. To achieve this, Leo Coffee embarked on a strategic partnership with groSamriddhi.

1 million

Non-product organic impressions


Increase in Store Conversion Rate


Increase in add to cart

A Pack of Leo Coffee with the traditional brass coffee filter, a market that Leo Coffee wanted to expand with groSamriddhi E-Commerce Performance Marketing
Leo Coffee Logo - a client for groSamriddhi E-Commerce Performance Marketing

Meet the Client

Leo Coffee is an established and well-respected brand in South India, especially in Tamil Nadu. It has been around since 1910 and is deeply connected to the culture and traditions of the region. Leo Coffee is known for its high quality and authentic product, representing the true South Indian coffee experience. Leo Coffee is the only coffee brand that owns its coffee estates, showing its commitment to getting the best coffee beans and ensuring a journey from the farm to your cup that has been perfected over generations.

What Made this Case Study Unique

The Challenge

Entering new markets

The growing preference for instant coffee, driven by the need for convenience, has affected Leo Coffee’s usual market, which is known for its skill in traditional filter coffee. In addition, there are green shoots of growth in Ground Coffee in the non-traditional markets in the rest of India. The objective was to scale up Leo Coffee’s footprint in the instant coffee category to help get a foothold in these markets as well as ride the wave of growing ground coffee use in these markets.

Increased CompetitioN

The coffee landscape was getting saturated with new entrants, intensifying competition. With the rise of coffee chains, specialty shops, and independent roasters, consumers were now presented with a multitude of choices, making it important for older players like Leo Coffee to stand out.

Marketing and Branding

Leo Coffee’s marketing strategies needed to align with contemporary consumer expectations. Leo Coffee recognised the need to leverage online platforms to actively connect with its intended audience. This, in turn, intended to increase the level of brand recall among consumers.

Grow Sales efficiently using E-Commerce Performance Marketing

The Journey

groSamriddhi’s E-Commerce Performance Marketing solution was configured to meet the client’s vision

And it Delivered! Learn How

Brand awareness

It was imperative to broaden Leo’s presence across various social media and other digital publisher platforms, as well as establish a strong foothold in traditional retail stores. This would elevate the visibility and recognition of Leo Coffee, ultimately strengthening the brand’s reputation and market position in the industry.

Product Crawlability Improvement

There was a need to synchronise their product offerings to meet the specific requirements of various social media, search engine crawlers and other digital publishers. The aim was to enhance their online visibility, improve product discoverability, and streamline the purchasing process for their customers.

Blog Crawlers

Leo Coffee experienced challenges with their blog crawlers not properly indexing their content, resulting in decreased visibility and traffic. We identified the need to ensure that their valuable blog content was properly crawled, indexed, and displayed in search engine results

What We Did

The Solution

SEO Improvements

There was an urgent need for optimisation to ensure that their target audience could easily discover and engage with the brand. We implemented SEO practices, such as optimising keywords, improving website structure, and creating keyword rich content with the aim to rank Leo Coffee higher in SERPs, further, leading to a rise in organic traffic. This core improvement has knock-on benefits across all channels for E-Commerce Performance Marketing.

Streamlined Customer Engagement

We implemented a systematic approach, aligning content creation and distribution with their marketing goals and target audience preferences. This helped not only in optimising their content production workflow, but also to keep the audience engaged and interested.

Increased organic conversions

An encouraging trend was a significant increase in sales generated from non-paid channels. This indicated that organic efforts were effectively driving customer conversions without reliance on paid advertising. The reduced dependency on expensive advertising campaigns highlighted the growing loyalty among older and trust among new customers.

Managed network of publishers

There was a need to establish a more effective system for managing their network of publishers. By utilising advanced technology, such as automation tools and streamlining processes, Leo Coffee could improve communication and collaboration with publishers, thereby maximising the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

The Results

1 million

Non-product organic impressions


Increase in Store Conversion Rate


Increase in add to cart