A sales funnel with various stages, surrounded by icons representing email campaigns, social media, advertising, and customer personas.

Accelerate Sales Growth with Lead Generation and Nurturing

Transform your lead generation and nurturing processes with our data-driven MarTech solutions

Did you know that nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases?

Effective lead generation and nurturing are crucial for driving sales growth. By identifying and engaging high-quality leads, businesses can maximize conversions.

groSamriddhi‘s MarTech expertise helps you create targeted campaigns that resonate.

Our data-driven approach ensures you reach the right audience effectively. Partner with us to unlock the full potential of your leads.

Lead Generation and Nurturing: Key Benefits

Did you know that lead nurturing generate 50% more sales ready leads at a 33% lower cost?

Identify and Engage Your Ideal Customers

74% of Gen Zers are interested in personalized products compared to 67% Millennials, 61% Gen Xers and 57% Baby Boomers

  • groSamriddhi develops accurate buyer personas using data-driven insights
  • We leverage this to create targeted campaigns that resonate with your ideal audience
  • Maximize conversions by focusing on high-quality leads

Map and Orchestrate Customer Journeys

Nurtured Leads produce an average 20% increase in sales opportunities

Demand Gen Report
  • groSamriddhi works with you to visualize and optimize customer journeys for enhanced engagement
  • We implement automated workflows to guide leads through the funnel

Nurture Leads with Multichannel Campaigns

B2B campaigns that use a multichannel marketing approach see a 24% increase in ROI, and businesses that use more than four channels see a 300% increase in performance over their single or dual channel campaign counterparts

  • We engage leads through integrated email, social, text, and advertising campaigns
  • We help you deliver personalized content and offers to build trust and drive conversions

Boost Sales with Blended Inbound, Outbound, and Advertising Strategies

Content marketing generates three times as many leads as traditional marketing but costs 62% less 

Content Marketing Institute
  • Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that combines inbound, outbound, and advertising tactics
  • Maximize reach and effectiveness by leveraging the right channels for your audience

Ready to Skyrocket Your Sales?

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your lead generation and nurturing processes. Take the first step towards unlocking your business’s full potential with groSamriddhi’s powerful MarTech solutions.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Our experts are ready to analyze your current strategies and provide personalized recommendations. Discover how you can optimize your lead generation and nurturing efforts to drive unprecedented sales growth. Book your free consultation now!

groSamriddhi Capabilities that deliver Leads that convert

To deliver the benefits of personalized content, optimized customer journeys, multichannel campaigns, and blended marketing strategies, groSamriddhi employs a range of powerful capabilities. These key features work together to identify and target ideal customer personas, map and orchestrate customer journeys, nurture leads with multichannel campaigns, and boost sales with blended marketing strategies.

Advanced Lead Scoring Algorithms

  • Driven by powerful Machine Learning algorithms
  • Real time signals between assets and publisher data
  • Heavily weighted towards building and leveragign your own zero and first party data
  • Leverages our experience in running lead generation programs

Marketing Automation and Personalization

  • We implement automated workflows to deliver personalized experiences to each lead based on their unique profile
  • Helps automate repetitive tasks to drive efficiency and efficacy

Seamless CRM Integration

  • groSamriddhi build real time integration systems to sync knowledge across lead generation and CRM systems.
  • Smoothenes data flow and alignment between marketing and sales

Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting

  • Real-time dashboards to track and measure the performance of your campaigns
  • Levarage specialist tools and processes to gain actionable insights to optimize strategies and drive continuous improvement

Select Sucess Stories

a girl standing in front of Dr Kamakshi Memorial Insitute of Medical Sciences and Research, representing lead generating for the institutute

Educational Institute Admissions

groSamriddhi aided Kamakshi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research in increasing conversions and, consequently, the number of applicants accepted. 


Seats Filled


Months for Seats Filling


Paid Applications Received

a girl standing in front of Dr Kamakshi Memorial Insitute of Medical Sciences and Research, representing lead generating for the institutute

Innovative Lead Generation for Education sector

IIM Kashipur executive education logo

groSamriddhi was brought in for lead generation targeting a highly unique audience not available with any publisher


Leads in 45 days


Leads to SQL


SQL to Sales

a girl standing in front of Dr Kamakshi Memorial Insitute of Medical Sciences and Research, representing lead generating for the institutute

Lead Generation to Grow Sales

self storage india logo

groSamriddhi helped Self Storage India with efficient lead generation and grow sales in a cost effective and scalable manner


Growth in Opportunities


Growth in Qualified Leads


Revenue Growth

Ready to Skyrocket Your Sales?

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your lead generation and nurturing processes. Take the first step towards unlocking your business’s full potential with groSamriddhi’s powerful MarTech solutions.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Our experts are ready to analyze your current strategies and provide personalized recommendations. Discover how you can optimize your lead generation and nurturing efforts to drive unprecedented sales growth. Book your free consultation now!

Not sure where to start?

Take our assessments to benchmark where you are

a user icon surrounded by multiple channel icons depicting omnichannel

Omnichannel Maturity

Assess, Align, and Advance

Discover your brand’s omnichannel potential with our comprehensive maturity assessment.

Evaluate your current capabilities, identify areas for improvement, and chart a course towards delivering seamless, personalized experiences across all customer touchpoints.

a collage of a variety of medieval stage actors, representing various brand archetypes

Brand Archetype Assessment

Curious about the personality of your small business?

Dive into our Brand Archetype Quiz—it’s like a compass for your brand’s future!

Ready to Skyrocket Your Sales?

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your lead generation and nurturing processes. Take the first step towards unlocking your business’s full potential with groSamriddhi’s powerful MarTech solutions.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Our experts are ready to analyze your current strategies and provide personalized recommendations. Discover how you can optimize your lead generation and nurturing efforts to drive unprecedented sales growth. Book your free consultation now!

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