Sage Archetype in the Indian Context: Trustworthy and True

The sage archetype needs little introduction. It believes in the power of the truth and leaves no stone unturned in its pursuit.

In a world full of information, people seek trustworthy brands. They look for brands that offer reliable and useful information. The Sage brand archetype is ideal for brands that seek to fulfil this. For instance, those aiming to be experts and thought leaders in their field. Sage brands focus on educating and empowering customers. They constantly strive to enhance their knowledge of the world.

Next in the series, is this blog post focusing on the Sage archetype. Before moving forward, let us look at where we started for a better understanding. Our series of the archetypal framework based on the work by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung takes us through 12 brand archetypes. Read an overview here: ‘Brand Archetypes- What are they and how are they useful?

Meet the Sage Archetype

person wearing knit cap facing mountain in a sage like pose

The Sage revolves around truth and knowledge as its main themes. It values the idea that success comes from acquiring knowledge and relentlessly pursuing the truth. This selfless brand believes in making the world better. Therefore, they believe in gathering information and sharing it with others. The Sage, like its counterpart in Carl Jung’s archetype framework, wields power through knowledge. For instance, in the form of magic, strength, money, or influence.

Sages are portrayed as professors, scientists, detectives, and philosophers in stories. The Sage is often confused with magician. However, a Sage is focuses on helping people. Not-for-profits and charities, for instance. Whereas, magician brands tend to be for-profit organisations.

Sage brands are recognized for high awareness and avoiding naivety. This can be in others or oneself. This includes avoiding misinformation, falsehoods, and ambiguity.


A Sage signifies expertise and attention to detail. Further, represented by a high degree of competency. It leads with a belief in their knowledge.
A Sage represents expertise and attention to detail, embodying a high level of competency. They lead with confidence in their knowledge. Therefore, speak authoritatively and decisively. This leaves the audience informed and captivated. Many news publications align with this archetype.


Independence, intellectual fulfilment, and truth are what the Sage desires. The idea that thinking is what characterises the human experience is fundamental to this archetype. The sage is a sceptic who reacts well to expert advice. The sage enjoys learning for its own sake since it enables independence from the crowd and the ability to maintain objectivity. This is because they have a high need for autonomy.

Finding solutions to important questions gives wise people greatest satisfaction. They inspire people to look for the truth because they are innately wise, informed, and self-reflective. They serve as an example of the need for careful consideration. Issues that demand more understanding excite them.


Sages focus on research to understand the world and uncover realities. But this intense dedication might make them appear cold or lacking emotional connections. It’s crucial for sages to be mindful of when to pause.

How do Build a Sage archetype?

red brick wall with live, work, create. quote

A business emphasizing research and knowledge sharing can proudly identify as a Sage. Wise brands never simplify their communication to underestimating their audience. Instead, a Sage highlights knowledge, education, and sometimes exclusivity. Let’s delve into these points in more detail.


Brands that fit the Sage archetype frequently utilise flawless and refined marketing materials; they do not strive to dazzle with extraneous or extravagant embellishments. Instead, they prefer classic designs and logos. To get consumers to perceive things differently, certain Sage brands produce marketing materials that stray from the norm.


Colours continue to be an important part of a brand’s visual identity. Colour makes a world of difference when it comes to branding. For Sage, colors like blue, green, and black/grey convey education and trust. Blue signifies strength, competence, quality, trust, peace and more. Green represents safety, growth, health and harmony. Black or Dark Gray indicates class, power, mystery, dominance, and sophistication.


Sage communication represents excellence, dependability, safety and power. The branding often involves complex language or a challenging vocabulary.

The Sage brand archetype excels at gaining wonderful experiences. Such as gathering data helpful to others. It trusts its audience to grasp complex ideas and appreciate clever inside jokes. However, wise businesses should avoid sounding patronizing.

Industries and Categories of the Sage Archetype

An small, cluttered store selling books and magazines, a favourite haunt for the sage

Customers of Sage believe that knowledge and information come from growth. Therefore, they constantly look for new sources of information. Examples include news sources, institutions of higher education, research firms, museums, and libraries. Besides that, sages have become an important part of modern-day storytelling. This is a powerful way to train future heroes or guide them on their journey. Because of that, this branding also appears in fantasy and science fiction (like Yoda!). However, Sages are not exclusive to these genres.

Typical Sage archetypes industries include:

  • Consultancies
  • Higher Education
  • Research Firms
  • News Sources
  • Bookstores

The Sage Archetype in Action: An Indian Case Study

an image of two soap bars, four toothbrushes in a holder, and a dark glass bottle


Medimix is a legacy soap brand with over 50 years of credibility. Founded as a medicinal cure for skin ailments, the brand has evolved according to changing demands and times. With time, it transformed into a skincare brand, though still rooted in its Ayurvedic legacy.

In recent years, Indian consumers have increasingly preferred products with fewer or no chemicals. Furthermore, acknowledging the advantages of natural ingredients. However, the believe that natural remedies take time persists. To resonate with their busy lives, the company introduced ‘Get SkinFit with Fast Acting Ayurveda,’. It updated its packaging and partnered with young Bollywood actors.

Brand Persona

Medimix’s television advertisement played a major role in building a positive personality of the brand. In the advertisement, a shopkeeper suggests Medimix soap to a customer. She wanted a deodorant soap, talcum powder for prickly heat, and anti-dandruff shampoo. Medimix was promoted as being an “all-in-one solution.” Therefore, Medimix went all out as a “medicated problem solution soap”. While, other brands showed chased emotional advantages and gentler benefits. For instance, soft skin and attractive skin. They have had remarkable success with this. In the last decade, the brand has added softer benefits to its strong problem-solving image.


In 2005, the brand underwent a complete makeover. It shifted from red and black packaging to green to attract the youth. Memorable ad campaigns like “Tvacha Kal Ke lie Taiyaar” and “Asli Suraksha, Kudrati Suraksha” were launched in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Relying on product uniqueness and celebrity endorsements, the company targets a diverse audience. “Get SkinFit with Fast Acting Ayurveda” aims to engage young people and challenge the perception that Ayurveda is slow.

Is your Brand a Sage Archetype?

looking through a clear ball, similar to the pursuit of trust by a sage archetype

Five personas make up the Sage archetypal family. Though they have a lot in common in terms of enlightenment and connection, they also differ significantly. To understand if you are a sage archetype or not, let us have a closer look at all of them:


The Classic Sage values knowledge and learning. It is driven by a quest for truth. They make informed decisions through research and possess a broad independent streak. However, challenges include arrogance and a rigid reliance on ideology.


The Mentor is devoted to imparting knowledge to help and support others. They are more trustworthy because of their capacity for objectivity and strong character judgement. The Mentor should be careful when sharing knowledge, as a “helping hand” can easily become “an iron fist”.


The Detective consistently seeks what is hidden. They enjoy solving riddles, have a keen eye for concrete evidence, and heavily rely on instincts.


The Shaman is spiritual by nature. However, they are not always associated with religion. They have a mystical ability to see and tell the truth, especially from a “higher consciousness” or alternate viewpoint.


The Translator connects patterns to uncover universal truths. They serve as an intelligent messenger inspired by language and conversation.

In conclusion, if your product is based on research and is supported by statistics, you must incorporate the Sage Archetype. You will attract the Sage consumer who is seeking real products to improve their own life. The crucial point here is that your audience cannot be deceived. They require strong, convincing evidence that your brand and product are superior. The correct individuals will understand the message, and will believe you.

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Rohan Patel
Rohan Patel

Rohan Patel, a performance marketing specialist in Bangalore, India. Rohan has a degree in computer science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay and has been working in performance marketing for 5 years. He is an expert in Google Ads and Facebook Ads and has a proven track record of driving results for his clients.

Articles: 9